Waihi Walkways Annual ReportCHAIRPERSON'S REPORT 2006 Over the past year the Committee has continued working as a cohesive group. We are grateful for the commitment of new Committee members and for the continued support of those who have been around for longer and have enabled the committee to function efficiently, namely Treasurer, John and Secretary, Annette. The work would be slow indeed without the continued work and vision of both Ruth and Eric and the quiet, on the ground observation and action of Beulah and Roger. The Committee on the whole, has benefited by spending time looking at historical sites and places where future walks may be established. This has helped us to work together well as a group and I would like to acknowledge Ruth for organising that. Touching briefly on the activities of the past year: Millstream Walkway This continues to be well used by the community. The people counter indicates that 800 to 900 use the track in the warmer months and 600 to 700 in the cooler months. Minor maintenance has been attended to by Beulah, Roger and myself. The Charlie Cooper Memorial table has been installed and stained to discourage grafitti and is an asset to the area. Flood damage has been minimal. Beulah has undertaken a Grow Safe course which will allow her to work on weed control. Ruth has nearly completed an evaluation document on the establishment of this walk. This will be a resource for both ourselves when considering new projects and other groups. Scout Paddock Some weed spraying and clearance was carried out last Spring. It was planned that Waihi College Environmental Studies students would be involved in the planning for and planting of this area. Despite initial enthusiasm they have had to withdraw from this. Some planting has recently been carried out by Committee members at the top of the area. Clearing and planting with the assistance of the HELP group and including Cubs and Scouts is planned for a further section of the area this winter. Extension to Millstream Some exploratory work has been done on creating a linking track between the Millstream and Speaks Quarry. This will eventually enable people to walk between the playground area on Morgan Reserve, Kenny Street through to Clarke Street. Riverbank Terrace Riverside Walk This area has been fenced and gates have been installed. It is currently grazed to maintain weed control with the co-operation of neighbours. Planting will soon be underway. Coffey’s Walk A gate has been installed at the end of Rosemont Rd. and while there is no clearly established track in this area it is accessible for current use. Discussions with neighbours re track siting and planting are on-going. Safety issues have been discussed with Trevor Butler, engineer. Some neighbours are already maintaining areas adjoining their properties at the Wellington St. end. Ohinemuri River Historic Walkway A comprehensive feasibility report has been completed by Eric for this walk and extensive consultations with all those who have an interest in its establishment are proceeding. This walk will allow for a direct experience of historical sites and the scenic beauty of the Ohinemuri River by both walkers and cyclists. Eric is to be commended for his professional work on the planning, research and consultation for such a major undertaking and you can look forward to more detailed information on this in the future. Ohinemuri Regional Historical Journals This project aims to make the historical Journals available via a website and Eric and Ruth are continuing to work on this. Other Areas These include Union Hill, Black Hill, Waitete Stream area and Silverton Battery area. All these are under consideration for the future. General Work continues on establishing suitable signage for already existing walks. Eric is continuing to maintain the website which gives background and current information on the activities of Waihi Walkways. For your information the address is www.waihiwalkways.org.nz . None of this work would be possible without financial support and we would like to acknowledge and thank the following: N.Z. Lotteries – Environment and Heritage Dept. of Conservation Jim Say Foundation Valder Ohinemuri Charitable Trust Trust Waikato Waihi Ward, Hauraki District Council Environment Waikato Newmont Gold - for the kind support for printing and binding facilities Finally I would like to thank Ruth for all the work she has done on the ground and behind the scenes and for her personal support. Ultimately we are all working for the benefit of our community and I think we can be proud of what has been achieved so far by so many diverse people and groups. Thanks to all those who have been involved.
Beryl George 13th July 2006
Waihi District Walkways Inc. PO Box 241 Waihi New Zealand Send e- mail to: Waihi Walkways |